Train Wrecks for Jesus
Revs. Mark Townsend and Maggy Whitehouse are both ordained vicars ... and self-confessed f**k ups for Jesus. From spoonerisms at weddings, through breakdowns, divorce, failed emigration, shark attack (truly!) and back down to everyday stupidity and forgetfulness, we’ve lived and worked with the humiliation of failure for most of our lives. But every time we have fallen short, Grace and goodness have been the result even if it has only been the justified reduction of our egos. And this is our message - that it’s okay to be a Christian catastrophe (or any other kind of catastrophe for that matter). In fact, it’s pretty much essential in order to understand what Jesus was all about. Today we share some of our stories, have some laughs and we hope you will join us in future sessions by sharing your own f**k ups for Jesus (or Buddha or Krishna or ... or ... or). Remember, the cracks are where the light can get in. PLEASE NOTE: ABUNDANT USE OF THE F-WORD.
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Did you know that you can't have imposter syndrome if you ARE an imposter? It's a sign that you are what you desire to be - but there's still a little work to do on self-esteem. Why do we need self-esteem? Because if we don't have it, we won't believe (among other things) that God is speaking to us directly.
Today we talk about Jesus' temptations in the wilderness - not in any 'it's all right for him!' kind of way but seeing them as our own daily temptations to feel like imposters - and conversely to regard ourselves as the ones who are 'saved,' to want immediate answers to our problems and to bow down before idols such as nationality, militarism, celebrity, distraction and family.
And there's a truly lovely poem about the unconditional love of dogs.
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
A few thoughts today on how to prevent our attention being eroded by the constant demands of the Internet. Like fire, this amazing technology is a wonderful servant but a very bad master.
Mark takes a three-day break with his wife every month because otherwise he would work non-stop. Maggy takes Mondays off (or if she can't take Monday, one other day instead). Both of us meditate. It all helps.... but please don't think we're doing it all right - we're still fuck ups! :-D
Stolen Focus by Johann Hari
The Work by Byron Katie
Julia Cameron, Morning Pages
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
It is Lent, the season of 'giving things up' in reference to Jesus' time in the Wilderness. If you do want to give something up, how about giving up the inability to receive? So many folk - and Christians and healers in particular - have problems with receiving. Giving? Fine ... receiving? Nope! However that's out of balance and, as Maggy suggests, could even be a misunderstood form of pride and selfishness.
The poem is 'Blessing the Dust' by Jan Richardson.
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
In this last week, the Church of England caused a furore with the very idea that God might not have a gender. Shock horror! Madonna faced Body-shaming and ageism at the Grammys and other celebrities the same in the papers. Mark and Maggy try to make sense as to why humanity seems to need a judgmental God and to be so judgemental ourselves.
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Today we look at how to allow ourselves to hear the voice of God - God is always talking to us; the task is to dissolve our resistances to it. Not always easy as the ego really, really, doesn't want us to start listening to God because that might mean we had to make some dreaded 'change'!
Mark also talks about Bjorn Natthiko Lindeblad's extraordinary book I May Be Wrong
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
It's Maggy alone today, doing a meditation called 'The Chapel of Liberation.' This is for anyone who wants to ensure that someone they know who has died is safely through to the heavens.
I wrote an article about being a funeral minister for Unity magazine including a link to a PDF of the meditation but thought it would be easier for us all if it were recorded.
Souls can get mislaid if they die unexpectedly and don't know they are dead (think of the movie, Ghost where Patrick Swayze's character, Sam, is murdered, but does not follow the light because he is confused and anxious about his girlfriend, Molly). We believe that all souls do get through and that there are Guardians on the other side who make it their beloved duty to ensure that is so.
The copy for the meditation is below. Please feel free to copy it into a file for yourself to use whenever you wish.
The Chapel of Liberation
This is a meditation for all to use in order to ensure that a soul is safely through to the heavens. This version uses Christian imagery but it is just as valid whatever the faith – or none – of the people who wish to use it and for those who have passed. It is of particular benefit for those who have taken their own lives, those who have died unexpectedly and those who were not at peace at the time of their death. There is no copyright to this work – how could there be? – so please feel free to share it with anyone you know has integrity in spiritual work. With thanks to Frances Banks.
Before you is a door formed of ancient wood in the center of which is set a green shield on which shines a silver Greek cross… A Vertical line with three horizontal lines across it. Approach this door and push it open … and you step into a small orchard. Pink and white Apple blossoms adorn the trees. And yet there is still fruit – old apples from last year’s harvest – lying on the ground, left deliberately to feed hungry creatures.
As you step out from under the canopy of blossoms … you see before you, a beautiful building in pure white. It is either a temple or an Abbey according to your belief system and it nestles at the heart of this valley – set like a white pearl upon a green velvet cushion. You gaze at its golden dome; at its carved walls and statuary. From within you hear sweet chanting … as the “perpetual choir” raise the Walls of Prayer – sung blessings that “en-chant” the land. And you momentarily glimpse these Walls of Prayer forming a citadel of Light that protects all within them. This abbey is a mystic temple enshrined in this valley of sacred springs, and surrounded by holy hills.
Set into the wall of the abbey, just beneath the eaves of the roof, is a small chapel. You walk across the grass to this chapel. On the left-hand side of the door is a niche in which stands a statue of a white-bearded man robed in yellow, who holds two keys, one of silver the other of gold. He is Petros meaning “a Stone” – it is an image of St. Peter who is said to hold the keys of heaven and of hell.
Stepping through into the chapel … you touch your head and heart with blessed water held in a small stone basin by the threshold. To your right is the west end of the chapel. Upon the west wall hangs a large banner of black brocade, embroidered with four silver doves, it is the heraldic symbol for All Souls. Set before it is a stand of burning votive candles – each candle kindled with prayer.
The body of the chapel is set with pews (seats with kneeling desks); upon them are people in hooded robes enwrapped in silent prayer. The strength of their intercessions fills this chapel like a spiritual incense. This fellowship of Concealed Ones makes perpetual intercession for souls who are trapped in the shadow dimensions – they continually pray for the souls who have not found their way through. And they do not only pray – individual members will go into the shadow dimensions to free those who suffer there. It is hard for us to conceive the spiritual strength required but in the ceiling of the chapel is set the great symbol that explains “where” their strength comes from, and “why” they do what they do. So look up at the chapel’s ceiling and see gently shining there the Ruby-red Rose upon the equal-armed Cross of Light – the Cross that symbolizes the Totality of existence, and the Rose, the Love that is at the heart of it all.
In the east is the simple white altar upon which rests a violet-veiled tabernacle. On the wall above the altar is an ancient icon showing Saint Christopher carrying the Christ Child across the waters. In one hand Saint Christopher holds a palm-tree as his staff, while upon his shoulder he bears the Child of Light. The only radiance in this dark icon is the gold of the Child’s robe and the halo around the saint’s head.
This, then, is the Chapel of Liberation, dedicated to the work of freeing souls from the inner darkness that may prevent them from rising into the light; to freeing those who dwell in valley of the shadow of death.
Before the altar, think of the person for whom you have come here (if you only know their name, then repeat it three times with intention) … You feel a weight in your hands, and see you are holding a clay lamp. The lamp is with inscribed the name of the one for whom you are praying. There is a wick in the lamp.
Now, place the clay lamp on the altar; return to your seat and kneel … join your prayers with those of the Others gathered in this chapel … to pray for the one you have named to be taken into everlasting Light, there to rest in profound peace.
You feeling the growing presence within this place … you hear the chanting from the Abbey … you see red petals drifting down from the Rose. The power increases – a breeze blows through the chapel – and the violet veil parts revealing the gold tabernacle that it concealed. The chanting bursts into a sustained crescendo as the tabernacle doors open … Diamond-Light blaze within … the falling rose-petals turn white … and the Chapel is filled with a golden light into which white petals gently rain.
Into this light steps a Concealed One, who takes up the lamp – in it now shines a flame kindled from the unveiled Divine Glory. As they pass by you carrying the lit lamp, you glimpse the face within the hood – it is irradiated by a love so vast that it flinches from nothing; a love that will not rest until the lost soul has been safely brought into the Light that gave birth to it.
After giving thanks … you return by the way you came … through the Abbey grounds, through the apple-orchard … through the door of ancient wood that is set with a silver cross upon a green shield … and closing this door behind you.
You will know when the Soul for whom you prayed has been freed from the dark dimensions by the following.
On a later visit to this Chapel, you will notice that their lamp has been returned to the eastern altar. But it will no longer made of clay – it will then be clear, like glass, and the flame within it shining unobscured.
And, before your eyes, the ancient icon above the altar will suddenly become a window into the Higher Worlds. You will see St. Christopher carrying the departed soul into a sunset. He carries the ‘Christ Child’ (which is the spiritual essence of the deceased) upon his mighty shoulders into a sunset more glorious than the whole earth has ever dreamt of.
With a full heart, give thanks to God, for the lost has been found, the prisoners set free, and they are at peace.
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Mark's homily today is about - and for - the British Royal family and leads us into a discussion of their corresponding astrology and who they might have been in previous incarnations. Finally, we get to the topic we first intended to discuss - the challenge of forgiveness.
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Maggy is passionate about reinterpreting the Biblical law of tithing to make it fun, accessible and effective, so that's the subject of today's homily.
She completely forgot to mention the fourth level - Deuteronomy 15:1 - which was the forgiveness of all debts every seven years. We could do with a bit of that today for sure...
We also discuss today's announcement (18 January 2023) that the Church of England has, again, said no to gay marriage... and there's a tad more about 'that' book too :-)
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Monotheism ... Pantheism ... Animism ... all concepts that are celebrated or demonised within organised religion. Today, Mark looks at his own journey around those aspects of faith and we also look at signs and wonders, guidance and (of course) falling flat on our faces and getting it all wrong.
And why Jesus was obviously born in Birmingham, not Bethlehem... :-)
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
It's Maggy's turn to do a short homily today on learning and letting go ... and then we discuss our new online community/church 'Community of Prodigals - a Church on the Edge' which started itself up over Christmas on Facebook. This is a place for all of us who follow the teachings of Jesus - whether Christian or not - and a place where all are welcome. Mark has uploaded a 'Mass of Unconditional Love' for you to follow if you would like to do so.